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Riseup invite code Anon No.63110 [D][U][F][S][L][A][C]
File: b6ff1cbb0f34d5772c764a1dfbfc414db454b8f70f8bd81daa019b407f4f53e1.png (dl) (19.04 KiB)
Can anyone invite me to have a RiseUp email? I've been looking through everywhere, but I had absolutely no luck in finding it or finding anyone to invite me in using it. Does anyone here have an invite code to share it to me? I won't get you in trouble if you decided to give me an invite code.

Nanonymous No.63126 [D] >>63127
Riseup disabled invites last year because of retards abusing it to send spam. Friendly reminder that the reason you don't have nice things is you don't deserve them.

Nanonymous No.63127 [D]
That dont even offer a payment for a account on site lol what a ecochamber.

Anyway is there any email providers that offer a one time payment instead of anual, quarterly etc?